Anàlisis de mercats
Preservació i creixement del patrimoni
Flash Notes
Publicat el 02/11/2018
Conegui les reflexions d’ novembre 2018 del nostre Economista en cap, Àlex Fusté.
Is the fall in oil prices good for financial markets Q&A's? (English)
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What next for Brexit. (English)
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Latest news on the Brexit front & about the real risk in the UK (English)
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The UK cabinet yesterday approved May's exit deal. What next- Our outlook in just 5 points (English)
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Better prospects for a relaxation in the commercial conflict between the US and China (English)
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The Italian's determination to stick to its spending plans has left the EU executive with little choice. The implications. (English)
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Una valoración tras el resultado de las mid-term elections (Español)
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Mid-Term elections. ¿Qué espero de los mercados? (Español)
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AMLO enseña sus verdaderos colores. Valoración y perspectiva (Español)
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Can the US-sino trade war stop being a negative driver? (English)
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Can Brexit stop being a negative driver? (English)
Fitxer pdf 333 KB